Once you finish the Training

Card upon Course Completion

Authorized Instructors

To be Announced

Wilderness EMT Upgrade

Once you finish the Training

Card upon Course Completion

Authorized Instructors

To be Announced

Wilderness EMT Upgrade is a 40-hour course for those who are already certified as EMTs. The course builds on EMT training and adds wilderness concepts and skills with many role-playing scenarios.
ASHI Wilderness Emergency Care (WEC) program supports a family of courses to meet the needs of everyone with outdoor interests, from easy day trips to challenging and technical activities, including wilderness rescue. The WEC textbook not only explains the concepts in clear language, it also shows you how to do all the skills, step by step, with many photos and drawings. The WEC Instructor Guide provides course outlines and lesson plans for all the wilderness courses and explains how to plan, prepare for, teach and evaluate a course. It also has a great collection of resources – including quizzes, scenarios for practical exams and evaluation forms.